Hayden Sunset

Hayden Sunset
Hayden Valley Sunset in April

Friday, March 4, 2011

In a Cavern

Still in New Mexico... this time to one place I want to drag my best friend too.  She is the subterranean type.  Not sure where it ranks in the largest known cave category, but I am certain that it is towards the top of the list.  It is beautiful!  And I totally fell in love with caves.  Funny story, but it was warmer inside the cave than outside.  And here I was looking for warmth...

Carlsbad is pretty cool.  Like most caves you go down an elevator and exit into a strange new world... Well at Carlsbad you enter an underground lunchroom (gift shop).  You'll never guess what they call it... yeah, the underground lunch room.  We ate and gift shopped, my mom bought a bat visor.  And then we headed out on the tour of the Big Room (creative, I know).  That was the only room I toured.  In a previous trip my parents saw one of the other large rooms.  But I figure that you can't see everything or you'll have no reason to come back.  Always leave something for next time.  Words I live by.

So, the big room, it was huge, every time you though you were near the end, you went a round a corner and it was bigger.  Sometimes smaller, and you'd look in one direction and you couldn't see more than a few feet in front of you face.  You'd see a little opening and behind it there would be a bigger room.  Or a pit that seemed to go on forever.

So they got bats.  Lots of bats, I really wanted to see them, but it was too cold.  Seems that at that time of year they send a few scout bats out and if it is cold the few that stay year round, won't venture into the cold.  Lame in my opinion.  But hey, next time!

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