Hayden Sunset

Hayden Sunset
Hayden Valley Sunset in April

Thursday, June 16, 2011

View From My Door: Elk Edition

Elk, I've seen a lot of elk in my day.  Not as many as I have bison.  But that's a different post.  I've been pretty close to some elk, by accident usually.  Not a fan of things with antlers and the occasional desire to gore you.  But went out of my room today and there by the other building was a big 8-point bull elk.  There were 4 actually, 2 across the street in the neighbor's yard, and one near the EDR and of course the big bull across the way.  It is great, I have a balcony to watch from, that way I don't have to worry about getting to close to the old guy.  But needless to say it was a great view from my front door.

These elk were still rubbing off their winter coats.  They were a bit shaggy, but hey that is the way it is sometimes.  Since it isn't the rut, I don't think the bulls cared too much about the presence of the others, They definitely seemed to coexist well.

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