Hayden Sunset

Hayden Sunset
Hayden Valley Sunset in April

Monday, March 7, 2011

Polar Bear Plunge!

So my sister and cousin did a Polar Bear Plunge over the weekend up in Minneapolis.  Crazy, I know, but hey it was for a good cause, and they did get to meet and plunge with Cam Barker (a Minnesota Wild Defenseman).  Like I said it was for a good cause, it would have to be, seeing as how my sister is not a water person.  So the proceeds benefit the Special Olympics.  Which is a worthy cause, and a special side note, my cousin Susie is a Special Olympian.  So it was extra special for both her and my sister, personally knowing who will benefit from this!

Blocks of ice taken from the lake
Kevin Gorg and my gorgeous sister Agnes!
Susie, Cam Barker, Agnes (Team Barker)

Barker and Nordy
Did I mention Cam Barker (name drop) was a part of this years plunge.  He was team captain for Team Barker Go Wild!  This was the team that Agnes and Susie were on.  Barker (who by the ways is so nice & way adorable) and FSNorth personalities Mike Greenlay and Kevin Gorg led plunge teams.  Team Barker was pitted against Team Greenlay and Gorg (or Team Frozen 5 Hole).  Friendly competition to see who could raise the most money.  Team Frozen 5 Hole was the larger of the two teams (probably about twice the size) but Barker's team was plucky!  Oh and Cam was matching all donations made to his team!   Not to mention his team had the adorable (yet unidentifiable) MN Wild mascot Nordy plunging too. (I have to think that all that fur would be awfully heavy when wet)

Waitin' to Plunge
Greenlay interviews Barker and Nordy

Frozen 5 Holes
So where was I when all this was going down.  Well, not plunging that's for sure.  Yeah, it is a good cause and all, but seriously I am not crazy!  Anyhoo someone (me) had to document this for posterity.  That's right I was taking pictures and of course live tweeting the event.  Seriously you can check out the hashtag FrigidBrigid for all the exciting updates.  Yep, that was me freezing my butt off on aluminum bleachers in 27F weather just for pictures.  And I had primo seats cause I got out there early enough, while everyone else was in the VIP tent warm and probably swilling soda and eating chili (or that is what I imagine at least) while my toes and fingers were freezing as I documented this for your enjoyment. (whine, whine, whine)

Team Barker!
And they plunge

Me and Cam Barker
Then it happened, the plunge, a bit of an interview of Barker by Greenlay and then they plunged!  It actually looked kinda fun, in that shock and awe sorta way.  And they got to chill in a hot tub, while I (and my mom who did the video- she joined me right before the plunge as she was with the other two right before) bolted to the VIP tent, where I warmed up and had some soda and chili.  Oh and did I mention that this is when I met Cam Barker (no big deal).  Yeah, he was handing out and signing shirts (Team Barker) and autographs.  Got a picture with him.  Somewhere in that search of #FrigidBrigid there is a pic of Susie, Agnes and Cam Barker.   And finally here is some video of the excitement!

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