Hayden Sunset

Hayden Sunset
Hayden Valley Sunset in April

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring in Yellowstone: Lower Loop

Alright, yesterday I wanted to have spring in Yellowstone, but I only got through the upper loop and there were no bears.  So Today, I guess we have to go south, through Hayden Valley to lake and then around to Old Faithful.  Old Faithful is where a friend and I had the beariest of all bear stories. Which I've apparently never blogged about.  Well, looks like you'll the abridged version and later a bear post!


Hayden Valley in the winter is just snow, massive amounts of snow, in huge drifts.  This is much the case in the spring.  The roads are plowed, but there is always a late March/Early April snowstorm and it gets really windy.  But Hayden Valley and Lake are where the bears are.  My blog's banner is Hayden Valley in the Spring.  Lots of birds and other animals... bears at the end. ;-)

Lake Yellowstone

Lake is my Yellowstone home.  I spent all but three seasons there.  Those where all at Old Faithful, 2 in the winter and 1 in the summer.  When I think of Yellowstone, it is lake that comes to mind, and though it can snow at any moment in Yellowstone, we had so much snow that spring.  When you're pre-seasoning at lake there are maybe a dozen people so you get a lot of time to explore and play!

Lake Yellowstone Thaw

Old Faithful Inn
Much like Mammoth, there is way less snow in the spring at OId Faithful.  There is a ton in the winter, but it melts fast.  Like I mentioned, the beariest of all bear stories happened at Old Faithful.  Old Faithful is the earliest place open.  And even before the guest arrive it is way busier than anywhere else.  Kelly and I were hanging out and watching Old Faithful, when the ranger (rather nonchalantly) told us and the guests there to please leave.  The next thing we know, we are back upped against a fence and three stampeding bison are being chased by a hungry bear... not even 10 feet from us.  Quite freaky.

Old Faithful Lodge

There will be another post with random spring places, not the big areas.  More on the road stops.  And with out further ado, I give you the Hayden Valley bears...

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